
Sakaja calls Sonko’s matatu CBD ban premature and unfair

Nairobi Senator Johnson Sakaja has raised his dissatisfaction in City Hall’s ban on matatus from picking up and dropping off passengers in the CBD.

Senator Sakaja said the move by the Nairobi Governor to ban matatus from the CBD is premature, and unfair to ordinary citizens.

Speaking in Deliverance Church Langata where he attended the consecration of Bishop Dr. Njuguna, the Senator urged Mike Sonko to provide an alternative before banning matatus.

“On the issue of Matatus, I know most people are worried because somebody has decided not to allow matatus in CBD without providing an alternative and a proper method. Don’t see matatus as just matatus but the passengers in them because they are the people we serve.” Said Sakaja. 

The Senator shared his video on social media tagging Sonko’s move to ban matatus as premature and unfair to ordinary citizens.

“As I said yesterday and before. The move by Mike Sonko to ban matatus from the CBD is premature, and unfair to ordinary citizens. You don’t ban matatus before providing alternatives for commuters. Must be rescinded immediately and proper planning done.” His tweet read. 

The Nairobi Senator has since filed a case in court to suspend matatu CBD ban; citing lack of public participation and alternatives. 

The ban on Public Service Vehicles from accessing the Nairobi Central Business District (CBD) started this Monday morning with dozens of police and county askaris deployed at major entry points.

This has forced thousands of commuters who were dropped at matatu termini on the periphery of the city to walk into the centre of the Kenyan capital. 

The ban compels all matatus to operate from designated termini without entering the CBD to drop off and pick passengers.