
The landlord who paid my rent

"Mom, the landlord was here,

He said he will chase us out and auction our things"
The child told the mum on the phone.
The mother got stressed.

"Where is dad? We had paid rent for the month"
The mom asked.
"Dad's phone is off, I am scared. Come mom"
The child cried.

The mother left her business,
Drove quickly to the house.
Her child was supposed to be enjoying the school holiday.
What is this nonsense about the rent not paid?

She opened the door,
The house seemed quiet, no drama.
She walked in, found the child smiling,
With a banner hanged that looked off.

"Happy birthday to the best landlord"
The banner read in bold.
"Where is the landlord?
Are you ok?" the mom sought to know.

"The landlord is you my love"
The husband walked in behind her out of hiding.
"Where have you been? We"ve been trying to reach you.
What do you mean the landlord is me?"

The husband kissed her "Sit down" he said.
She sat down. He removed her heels,
Placed her feet in a basin full of warm water.
She had this surprised look on her face.

The child walked to where the mother was.
"Mum, for nine months, you were my landlord.
I was your tenant. You gave me a home in your womb.
And my rent you paid in full with love.

You supplied me with plenty of food,
Many tiny babies have been thrown out by their mothers.
They were aborted and auctioned to early death,
But I was lucky to have a landlord like you.

Dad tells me how tough it was when you had me.
You two did not have much, still you kept me.
And these days, you two have plenty;
Thank you for giving me shelter when your outside was poor.

So mum, all this was my way of telling you thank you"
The mother began to tear in her eyes.
"Oh, my landlord is crying. I love you mom. 
Dad has something to say" said the child.

The husband knelt down, wiped her tears saying.
"My love, we have been tenants for far too long.
It's time for us to own our home,
I give you this cheque to start our savings in buying a house"

The husband handed her a cheque of a huge sum.
She hugged him tight, kissed him;
Placed his hand on her belly and said
"I am a landlord once again"

© Dayan Masinde

In my new book, WOMANHOOD SERIES, I talk about the woman's unique role in making a relationship or marriage thrive and her unique role as a mother.

In my other new book, MANHOOD SERIES, I show men how strong families have an active loving man, I demonstrate to them how a man with a vision blesses his family and the greatness of fatherhood.

To purchase the MANHOOD SERIES written by Dayan Masinde, MPESA Ksh. 200 to 0721590954, then text the word MAN and your email address to the same number and the book will be sent to your email address for you to download and read on your phone or computer
To purchase the WOMANHOOD SERIES written by Dayan Masinde, MPESA Ksh. 200 to 0721590954, then text the word WOMAN and your email address to the same number and the book will be sent to your email address for you to download and read on your phone or computer.

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Landlord Rent