Two-year-old chain smoker who smokes 40 cigarettes a day

A two-year-old Indonesian boy, Rapi Ananda Pamungka, smokes 40 cigarettes and combines them with coffee which he sips between his puffs.

The boy got his addiction after he started collecting cigarette butts from the floor of his mother’s stall.

Pamungka has actively smoked for one month now but stopped after receiving a supply of cookies and milk from the local council.

Lost on what to do, his parents decided to take him to a rehabilitation center as he had become aggressive.

His mother said that Rapi would throw tantrums if she didn’t buy him cigarettes and would cause trouble for neighbors and passers-by for cigarettes. 

He has been warned by health experts that if he starts smoking again he is at risk of cancer and heart problems at a young age.

According to doctors, the habit can also affect his cognitive, brain and emotional development.

In a related case, Aldi Rizal from Indonesia made news in 2010 as a chain smoker at the age of two.

He had become obese and this posed health problems for the young boy.

Rizal managed to quit smoking in 2013, lost a significant amount of weight and joined a local elementary school.

According to statistics, Indonesia is one of the world’s biggest smoking nations.