
Toilets that caused storm for Laikipia Governor (photos)

An only latrine for children with special needs at Our Lady of Victory Primary School that developed enormous cracks and risks sinking on June 12, 2018. [Kennedy Gachuhi, Standard]

Heavy rains in Nakuru County in recent weeks have caused the destruction of infrastructure in a school benefiting children with special needs in Subukia.

The only pit latrine at Our Lady of Victory Primary School has been declared unsafe after it developed cracks and partly caved in last week.

“We have 40 pupils with special needs who can’t comfortably use the normal latrines. Their special latrine is now a danger to them, as it can sink any time after developing enormous cracks,” said school head Anne Gathiru.

Mrs Gathiru said the children had been using latrines meant for those without physical challenges, which poses challenges to those living with disabilities.

She said this exposed the children to illnesses, as they at times fell on contaminated latrine floors if there was no one to assist them.

The children from humble backgrounds are hosted at a Catholic-sponsored St John Small Home located next to the school.

County Public Health officials visited the school and declared the toilet unsafe, saying it would have to be demolished.

[Photo: Courtesy]
[Photo: Courtesy]
[Photo: Courtesy]
[Photo: Courtesy]