
Netherlands firm to supply affordable dairy equipment

Mr Omingo Magara, a Daily Farmer at Ongata Rongai, Kajiado County explains a point to Julius Kiptarus director of production ministry of agriculture (centre) and Kajiado Deputy Governor Martin Moshisho during a tour of his farm on 28th March 2018. [Peterson Githaiga, Standard]

One of the biggest headaches for large-scale dairy farmers is safe milk preservation and boosting their milk yields while maintaining their profit margins.

Because majority of them lack affordable milk preservation equipment and machines, some end up using dubious methods to achieve this goal.

But a newly established dairy in Kajiado County seeks to solve this problem.

Euro Dairy in Kajiado has partnered with a Netherlands firm that will see it supply modern dairy machines for the benefit of large and small scale dairy farmers. Euro Dairy will be supplying dairy equipment such as coolers and milking machines from Muller — a farm equipment company in Netherlands.

The deal will see Euro Dairy located on Magadi Road receive farm machinery at a subsidised rate which will in turn be sold to dairy farmers at equally affordable rates. The centre will also be selling and installing bucket milking machines with jar system for large scale farmers.

The Director of Livestock at the Ministry of Agriculture Dr Julius Kiptarus welcomed the deal and said it will go a long way in helping dairy farmers get quality milk and cut down on losses. Dr Kiptarus noted that one of the challenges facing farmers is milk spoilage, which they face because they lack proper storage facilities.

“With these coolers, farmers will manage to store milk in a safe manner and hit the market when prices are stable,” he pointed out.

To help dairy farmers deal with needless milk losses, Dr Kiptarus said the Government will distribute 300 coolers to farmers across the country.

Kenya Dairy Board managing director Margaret Kibogy noted that the dairy sector is a key pillar of the economy and contributes 4 per cent of the Gross Domestic Product. It is a source of livelihood for about 1.5 million small-scale dairy farmers.

Lauding the Muller-Euro Dairy deal, Ms Kibogy said the State will support such initiatives because it is targeting small holder farmers who face insurmountable odds in running their dairy ventures.

The Director of Euro Dairy, Omingo Magara, said the project is part of his bigger dream to transform the dairy sector.

“My dream is to help bring up a generation of dairy farmers who produce good quality milk for Kenyans, especially children who need milk for brain development.

“We are all aware that there are selfish and greedy people who are using deadly substances such as formalin to preserve milk. I have undertaken this project so that we can avail to farmers’ safe and professional ways to preserve their milk,” Magara said.

He noted that dairy farmers struggle to get quality dairy equipment at affordable rates, but with this one stop shop will solve that.

“We deal in equipment that provide general cow comfort such as cow brushes, cow shaving machines, hoof cutters, cow magnets and detergents for washing milking machines, all which are key to boost milk production,” Magara said.