
Martha Karua's response to DP Ruto's Easter message that stirred Twitter

Narc Kenya leader Martha Karua on Friday, March 30 caught the interest of Kenyans on Twitter with her response to Deputy President’s William Ruto’s Easter message.

The DP had wished Kenyans a happy Easter break on his Twitter handle talking about restoration, reconciliation and an abundance of goodness.

“In remembrance of Christ's ultimate sacrifice, we reaffirm God's preeminence in our lives and surrender our being to Him. Through His enduring mercies, grace, and favour, we testify to restoration, reconciliation and an abundance of goodness in our land,” the DP posted.

In remembrance of Christ's ultimate sacrifice, we reaffirm God's preeminence in our lives and surrender our being to Him. Through His enduring mercies, grace and favour, we testify to restoration, reconciliation and an abundance of goodness in our land.— William Samoei Ruto (@WilliamsRuto) March 30, 2018

His message received responses as usual with his many followers using the opportunity to share their sentiments regarding the current political atmosphere.

Following the recent re-deportation of National Resistance Movement (NRMKe) self-declared general Miguna Miguna on Wednesday, many people had much to say to DP Ruto and the government at large.

Miguna arrived back to the country on March 26 after a seven-week long deportation n Canada.Upon arrival, he was sent to Dubai against his will after being allegedly drugged.

Here are some of the responses Ruto’s wishes elicited.

Yes. True but try to emulate what you've written. I know to you words have got no meaning but try. Have some mercy on miguna. That will be the best gift to kenyans this Easter. Lets not preach water and drink wine— Sen ledama Olekina (@ledamalekina) March 30, 2018

You have evaded the wrath of the judicial systems but you cannot do the same with the wrath of God.. You will endure far much worse than Miguna.. Your time will come.. No Man is above God's Law.. Soon.. Very soon.. Justice will be served!!

— Waruguru Muriithi (@RWaruguruM) March 30, 2018

How do we remember Christ yet our own brother Miguna a Kenyan citizen is suffering and the government is watching silently. Why crucify him for sure?? It’s not Easter in kenya! It’s Miguna’s crucification on the cross.— James Kantet (@JemoOle) March 30, 2018

nowadays you are very humble.. But remember we know why— kennedy odiwuor (@kennedyodiwuor6) March 30, 2018

True bwana Ruto but it starts with you .stand up and be counted as one who all were said no to Miguna Miguna issue as you did to trees.

— Mr.George Oduru (@odugma) March 30, 2018

Fine... Easter too... Lemme differ with you a little bit.. The whole tweet here is ironical and doesn't reflect the wholesome of you... Kenya lies in your hands the duo and what's happening in Kenya are just unacceptable!!... I will follow you to church but let's not celebrate— Dishen dshen (@dishen_dshen) March 30, 2018

One response, however, could not go unnoticed as Marth Karua, who is a former presidential aspirant, asked the DP to set an example by seeing Miguna brought back.

“Walk the talk by facilitating Miguna Miguna’s return,” she tweeted.

Walk the talk by facilitating #MigunaMigunaReturns https://t.co/bfyOGA1pEY— Martha Karua (@MarthaKarua) March 30, 2018

This post was received by critics and supporters who had this to say;

Martha karua is only standing woman who knows what Court means and the Rule of law despite being from #Uthamaki. Thanks Iron Lady— Renson Junior` (@Renson_Junior) March 30, 2018

Why has all of sudden Miguna become very important to you? #Hypocrisy— Let’s talk (@ole_tipis) March 30, 2018

REMEMBER; Miguna is immigrant and we can't accept Undocumented immigrants in our country Kenya NOT unless he uses Canadian Passport, the Canadian ambassador to Kenya was frustrated by Miguna's actions and behaviour including the KNHCR what do you expect the Gov't to do?— Son of the King ! (@maiyocol) March 30, 2018

Facilitate what?he was asked to produce passport for stamping he refused..asked to fill forms he refused..asked to apply for visa he refused.citizen..i get it..but has to follow the rules.Lawyers should know that#basics101— Festus kiprono (@fkiprono1) March 30, 2018

Ever since the day of the failed impeachment of Ruto in the mahindi saga, you always seem to have a beef with the man. Could these be my imaginations or its the truth?— Tony Kimaru (@kimaroh) March 30, 2018