
Raila will kill the Big Four, says Mutahi Ngunyi

Controversial political analyst Mutahi Ngunyi on Saturday, March 24 explained why he thinks National Super Alliance (NASA) Coalition leader Raila Odinga will kill the government's Big Four manifesto.

Speaking on his YouTube channel, The Fifth Estate, Mutahi stated that he is highly suspicious of Raila’s sudden decision to join the government after the Harambee House meeting on Friday, March 9.

“In my view, Raila is a political liar. If Uhuru gives us development from Harambee House with Raila, we will reject it. The moment Raila becomes a part of it, he’ll kill it, and he’ll suffocate it. This is because Raila is a project of the mzungus,” Mutahi said.

During the discussion, students from the FortHall School of Government joined in to explain why Raila would not only kill the Big Four agenda but he would contribute to bringing tragedy into the country. To DM, a Political Analyst, the Uhuru Raila union will make the Big Four project away from citizens' participation, which is not good for the country.

According to them, President Uhuru Kenyatta’s move to work with the opposition leader will kill development. To them, politics or the lack of it affects how development occurs in a given country.

Another student, PG, a Political Scientist, the combination will be a disaster from bringing in a foreigner who has no idea what the Big Four entails. To him, President Uhuru should denounce working with Raila since he will mix up the initial plans for achieving the government’s manifestos.

GK, an economist, however, says the meeting at Harambee House is good for the country since the two will form a dictatorship, which enables African countries to develop.

Here’s Mutahi’s opinion on Raila and the Big Four;