Four suspects linked to death of rugby player detained for seven days

From left Vincent Omondi, Erick Mochache, Calvin Okoth and Maryanne Mumbi at Nakuru law courts on November 7,2017 when they appeared before Chief Magistrate Josephat Kalo for the murder case of rugby player Mike Okombe. Photo: Kipsang Joseph/Standard

Four suspects linked to the death of international rugby player Mike Okombe were Tuesday arraigned in the Nakuru Chief Magistrate Court.

The four Maryanne Mumbi (alleged wife of Okombe), Calvin Okoth, Erick Mochache and Vincent Omondi appeared in court but did not take plea.

The court was informed by the prosecution that the investigating officer, Corporal Jacob Kathurima, had not concluded investigations on the matter and sought more time.

In his sworn affidavit, the officer said the suspects were arrested on Monday November 6, 2017 hence he did not have enough time to interrogate the suspects over the issue.

Prosecutor Bedan Kihara informed the court more suspects could be arrested.

He said the application to have the suspects detained was not instituted in bad faith.

“The four are suspects involved in the murder of Mike Okombe were arrested on Monday and the investigating officer has not concluded investigations. The application to have them detained for more days is not in bad faith,” said Mr Kihara.

The prosecutor said the officers had complied with the law by not detaining the suspects for more than 24 hours and pleaded with the court to allow them more time.

Lawyer Kamau Chomba representing the four opposed the application by the prosecution. He said his clients should be treated as suspects and subjecting them to detention for seven days would not only cause harm on his clients but also infringe on their rights.

He said his clients were not at flight risk and asked the court to dismiss the application by the state and that should his prayers be declined police should be given three days to complete investigations.

“I oppose the application to have my clients held for more days in custody, the application is prejudicial and against the rights of my clients,” said Chomba.

Replying, the prosecutor in said he believed he had duly moved to the court and urged it to exercise its powers.

The matter according to the prosecution, was a technical and therefore required time.

The magistrate allowed the application by the investigating officer and the prosecutor and allowed them to hold the suspects for six working days.

The court directed that they be held until Monday November 13, 2017 when they will be produced before the High Court where they will take pleas.

They will be held at Menengai Police Station in Rongai Nakuru.

Investigators have maintained that a 37-year-old woman linked to death of Nakuru RFC player Mike Okombe went missing immediately after incident was reported on Saturday night.

Rongai OCPD Japheth Kioko said the police rushed to the scene immediately the incident was reported at around 11pm but could not trace Maryanne Mumbi.

Mr Kioko said police tried to reach the woman without success until she presented herself to Directorates of Criminal Investigations in Nakuru on Monday.

He said it was suspect for the woman to have presented herself to the police accompanied by her lawyer Kamau Chomba.

“The police rushed to the scene of crime immediately after receiving information but we could not trace the woman, she was nowhere,” said Kioko.

 “The woman linked to death of the rugby player should have reported directly to the police and not wait to re-surface after three days,” said the police boss.

Mumbi is suspected to have killed Mike Okombe at Olive Inn area, where they had both attended a party hosted by their friend Calvine Otieno.

During the incident, Kioko said the scene was also interfered with. For instance, the house where Okoimbe bled profusely had been cleaned to erase any leads.

The OCPD said during the party Mumbi and Okombe disagreed over a matter that is not yet clear to investigators.

During the disagreement, he said Mumbi rushed to the kitchen in the house where the party was being held, picked a knife and stabbed Okombe on his left side of the chest, leaving him bleeding profusely as she fled.

Okombe was rushed to Valley Hospital but was pronounced dead on arrival.