
Impersonation cases reported as KCPE examination ends

Two charged with KCPE exam malpractice

Two students were Thursday charged with exam malpractices.

One of them, a Form One student of Kapngetuny Secondary School in Marigat, was arrested on Wednesday after he was found writing a Kenya Certificate of Primary Education paper for a pupil at Kimalel Primary School.

The Form One student denied the charge but his co-accused, whom he tried to write the exam for, pleaded guilty.

The magistrate ordered the two detained at Kabarnet Police Station until their parents presented themselves.

According to the Kimalel school head teacher, Kipkosiom Chepkerich, the impersonator entered the examination room through a window while the other candidates were seated.

The incident occurred on Wednesday, just as pupils were about to sit the science paper.

“I noticed someone jump through the window moments after the examination papers were distributed. I became suspicious and decided to inspect the examination room,” said Mr Chepkerich.

The accused is a former pupil of the school and wrote his KCPE exams last year.

“When I noticed the accused was not a registered candidate, I immediately alerted the security officers, who arrested him,” he said.

Rift Valley Education Director Mary Gatura said: “The region had two cases of impersonation where individuals posed as candidates and went to examination rooms to write the examination. They were arrested and handed over to the police."

The other case of impersonation was reported in Kericho County. [Mercy Kahenda and Sarah Otieno]