If the content of the Government’s delivery portal was felt, there would be no need to discuss and amplify it.
By lauding a public information portal showcasing details of its development investments across the country, the Jubilee administration has inadvertently demonstrated its disconnect with the people and how citizens view a Government that has delivered little of what it promised.
The Jubilee administration claimed that its primary duty is to provide an enabling environment for all Kenyans to realise their full potential, improve their lives, and transform the country. The leaders were satisfied that the portal would help citizens see that such development had actually taken place.
The independence fathers who fought for the freedom of this country had the aim of having a free, socially inclusive society. The 2010 Constitution also provided the opportunity to achieve social development across the country such as giving special attention to quality education and equality. Development records are based on statistics.
The Jubilee administration has given different figures on the number of households connected to the electricity grid since 2013, with one stating that there are four million connections and the other putting them at 5 million while the official records indicate that there are less than 2.9 million total connections.
On the growth of the economy, the mushrooming of the 'kadogo' economy in all parts of the country is an indication of a reduction in economic power among Kenya’s poor. And when the Opposition points out that the kind of growth taking place in the country is not translating to substantial gains for the majority of the citizens, Jubilee misleads Kenyans that the Opposition has nothing to show on matters development, knowing very well that we do not control development funds.
Corruption has been a big cancer that has not allowed the economy to grow. As it stands, majority of Kenyans feel excluded from the economy. The unity of Kenyans will be achieved through NASA.
Agnes Zani is Secretary General, Orange Democratic Movement (ODM)