Please, get out
Get out of Facebook
Log out and go
You are not needed here
You are needed in your home
You are needed by your spouse
You are needed by your children
Go to them
Get out of Facebook
And go spend time with your family
Do not let us your Facebook friends distract you
Your family is your priority
Don't chase after our likes and comments
Don't get caught up with the attention we give
Don't become addicted to this online world
That you end up forgetting your real world
Get out of Facebook
Go and look at the face of your spouse
Book a room just for you two
Go and look into your spouse's eyes
Get out of WhatsApp
Stop chatting with us people who won't be there tomorrow
Go have real conversations with your family
That will be with you for life
Get out of Instagram
Don't allow us to lure you with instant gratification
Go to your family, the ones who know the real you
Without the filters, make up and manufactured poses
Don't let us strangers on the web entangle you
Don't allow us to to keep you online longer than you should be
The best of love happens offline
Give your attention to your children, not a smart screen
Don't live for our approval
Live for your family
We, your online community
Don't have to come in and mess up your private life
To this online community you're just a number
An account to easily block, unfriend or ignore
But to your family, you are special
Give what is special to those who are special
For if you give your valuable time to online connections
We will steal your focus, damage your family
Then post about your poor family on social media
We will reduce you to a hashtag
Get out of Facebook
And maybe we too need to log out Facebook
And spend some real quality time
With our neglected loved ones
© Dayan Masinde and Akello Oliech
STEP 1: MPESA Ksh. 400 to 0721590954
STEP 2: Text your email address to 0721590954
STEP 3: Receive the digital book in your email
STEP 4: Download and read on phone/computer