where are our policemen deployed?

 President Uhuru Kenyatta oversaw the pass out parade new police officers at Kiganjo and Embakasa GSU training school.

This exercise came in light of the promise of additional 10,000 police officers. This number has significantly increased the number of police in the country with the target ratio of one policeman to three hundred and eighty Kenyans being attained.

The president also commended the programme saying it is a reality showing how prepared the Government is in tackling insecurity in Kenya.

Kenya has been facing a series of insecurity issues with worst case being reported in Baringo. The area has been facing attacks from bandits who have left behind a trail of deaths and stole livestock from the locals.

 It has forced people to migrate to camps. There has been also a scenario where police officers deployed in this area to keep peace claimed they were unable to access some areas due to insecurity.The question is where are these fresh police officers from college go to?

The Government is deploying Kenya police reservists to handle issues of insecurity in areas affected instead of using trained police officers to tackle the issue.

The recruits are trained for 15 months and the number of police recruits is too high but the insecurity threat has not yet been handled.

The police are not deployed accordingly.We are having police officers overseeing the transportation of money around in private institutions and banks, protecting VIPs and Government officials leaving the common mwananchi exposed to insecurity threats.

Kenya has surpassed the United Nations police to civilian ratio but there are still insecurity in several areas.

Most police officers have been accused of being corrupt.
This is because the Government has ignored their welfare.

We have the numbers but the Government needs to do an audit of how the police are deployed in the country.

Let us remove police from issues of transporting money, hired by private parastatals and leave the people out to insecurity.

The Government should also come up with a structured way of policing the country so that the common mwananchi can be assured of security.