Residents cry for help as a month long water shortage bites

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Migori town residents are staring at a possible Cholera and all other water-borne diseases outbreak following a month-long water shortage experienced in the town making the town filthy.

Migori market traders led by Tobias Omino said Migori town residents are eating fish washed with faeces infested water of polluted Migori river as traders don’t have any alternatives left.

“It is now one month without water at the market and when we inquire, we were told that water was disconnected over Sh2million electricity bill, which is peanuts compared to tax collected here daily,” Omino said

He added that a multimillion water and sanitation project by World Bank within the town and the market is useless when electricity bills and connection can’t be met.

“When the toilets were launched here we thought it was a blessing, but now without money they are a tickling health hazard,” Omino said.

The traders are now asking the Obado-led County government to step into the issue and to ensure that the month-long water shortage is brought to an happy ending.

“we wish the governor come to our aid as hotel businesses are
suffering the most,” said Omino.

The shortage which extends to Migori town has raised questions over commitments by the County government in providing clean water to residents.Taps dried only two weeks after major water shortage hit the entire county.

Meanwhile, Migori county minister for Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Water development Isca Oluoch said that the county government is looking into the matter to find out the problem and the possible solutions.