Why men are no longer romantic

Some time back I read an article, a very vile one, about why unromantic men should be thrown somewhere, in a pit and buried alive.

 As the de facto chairman of the unromantic men association, I would like to categorically state that such kind of action is completely unwarranted and amounts to an intrusion of our private lives and affairs.

As a matter of urgency, I would like that make statements to the effect that, as men, we are under no obligation whatsoever to bend to such small whims as romance. In fact, there are bigger problems bedeviling relationships than romance.

First and foremost, her claims that romance is dead is a blatant lie to man kind of African origin. Romance didn’t exist, and for that matter, something which didn’t exist cannot die.

Instead, the women folks have been brainwashed by the soaps that they have consumed, day in day out. We cannot adopt something which wasn’t part of our culture. We’ve been generous enough already, on some of the things.

Secondly, assuming romance was born and bred in Africa, why focus your entire energy very little, minute and inconsequential things, such as having a chair pulled for you, a car door opened for, you, flowers that shall wither the next day bought for you? Why?

Why can’t you just be content that he has taken you to that restaurant and has worked hard enough to keep his machine on the road for at least ten days a month? Ladies be content that we are paying bills, and that’s a bigger hassle already.

Thirdly, romance is a preserve for those people who are still looking for a place to slot their hearts or whatever organ of preference into. As they chase you, that need and urge to do something different or go for that proverbial extra mile, is rife at that stage.

There’s excitement, suspended in the unknown. But once they know you snore and doesn’t like to brush your teeth, lady please be content that he allows you into his house.

Fourth, so many have already given too much for love. A king gave up his throne for a woman he loved, Valentine died for love and Jesus.

That proves there’s no limit we can’t scale, no mountain we can’t climb just to prove our love for the ladies in our lives, only if you are worth it.

Mark my word, only if you are worth it. Before you go about shouting to all and sundry about how unromantic Kenyan men are, look deep into yourself.

 More often than not you’ll realize that the problem lies in you more than it lies in that man you are dating. To quote a wise saying, you don’t attract what you want but you attract what you are.