
Change tack in anti-terror war

Reports that KDF suffered a second attack on one of its army bases, and this time close to our borders, point to an active and elusive enemy who is yet to be completely subdued.

It is evident that Al Shabab could be getting more local support than previously thought, thereby complicating KDF operations deep in the enemy lines where it is difficult to differentiate civilians from combatants.

KDF may have to review its open door policy to both Somali army and Somali residents who may not be appreciative of sacrifices made by KDF to secure parts of Somalia.

Secondly, consideration should be made to semi-detach KDF operations from Amisom to give it wide latitude in engaging the enemy

Thirdly, KDF camps should consider deploying heavily armed but small mobile undercover units to secure a radius of 30-50km from its major army bases to avoid surprise attacks that have remained the army’s Achilles Heels. Such units should be able to fight their way out of tight situations but at least alert major camps of impending attacks.