
Students fight University Amendment Act in court

Student leaders from universities across the country have moved to court to challenge the University Amendment Act, which proposes radical changes to the election system in universities.

The 30 representatives from more than 20 of the top private and public universities in Kenya on January 23 presented a petition at Milimani High Court, which seeks to suspend the Act altogether, citing its assent as unconstitutional and contrary to the Constitution of Kenya.

According to Fredrick Makajos, the President of Maseno University Students’ Union, the Bill is a serious threat to the democratic rights of comrades.

“We are ready to challenge the Bill at every step,” he said. “We were neglected in its passage, and it messes up both students and learning institutions. We must show that after the Holy Spirit, comrades power is the only power.”

Fred Were Were who is the Kenyatta University Students Association President, was similarly firm. “The retrogressive amendment of the bill was done without the consent or consultation of any student union in the country. We are all opposed to the act, and are resolved to fight it, using both legal and extra legal means,” he told The Nairobian.

“The government can frustrate and play with doctors, nurses and now lectures, but not comrades.”

The biggest issue for the leaders seems to be the stipulation within the Bill that student elections will now be determined by an electoral college, made up of representatives from individual schools or campuses.


Brian Guserwa