Why Trump may trounce Clinton

People in the world were surprised by candidate Donald Trump's amazingly easy cruise to clinching the Republican Party ticket.

Many in the world were shocked at the easy victory given Mr Trump's often paranoid and offensive prejudicial rhetoric that has pricked many people. He is notorious for making racial slurs on minorities.

But love him or hate him, Trump seems headed for victory. America has an overwhelmingly large white majority. This majority is composed of a sizeable number of white supremacists who were confounded by the unthinkable victory of Barack Obama as the first black president of America and his excellent run in two terms as the chief executive of the world superpower, and they cannot take it any more.

They will elect Trump in their millions for his repeatedly expressed disdain for minorities. They will elect him, as they say, to 'put minorities, especially blacks, in their place'. The FBI has also weighed in with the Clinton e-mail inquiries by making them public, obviously in Trump's support. The world should sit up, tighten its belt and endure the frightening possibility of a Trump presidency.