Long time ago there was a certain young man named Koko in a certain community in Africa, Koko had a nasty look and the handsome men young men in the village never liked him and always made fun of him, he lived in an isolated area in the village. But Koko loved his community so much that he always kept watch when everyone else was asleep. One night he was attacked by robbers and his middle finger was chopped off, this added up to his ordeals and the young man in the village made more fun of him

Years later the king of that same community wanted to marry his daughter off to a suitable suitor and one of the requirements of the king was that any man who wanted to marry his daughter should be a man without the middle finger. A search was made and Koko was found and became the prince of the kingdom.

Am sure we have all heard of the same tale over and over again, that sometimes what may be seen as a painful experience turns out to be a stepping stone to lift us to another level.

Many years ago when I was still a child my mother passed on and at that time I could not understand why in the whole neighborhood it had to be my mum only yet there were so many mothers that God could choose from among.

But now I look back and thank God because her death was an eye opener for me, I learnt to be more responsible and always made choices basing on ''mummy is not here''. I stayed away from relationships because I thought hell no! ''I don’t want to get pregnant right now I mean I don’t have anyone who can take care of my child''. That mindset dictated my life and I somehow lived a different life from my peers.

We have had people who became what they are today not because they wanted to but because the situations they were in forced them out of their normalities. Others became marriage counsellors not because they had perfect marriages, others motivational speakers not because they read a lot of books, others opened up companies that gave solutions and so forth.

We deal differently with pain but I want to encourage someone that do not allow what you have gone through or are still going through dislodge you from the purpose that you were designed for. But instead look at the bright side of the problem. Use your experience to help someone else because God allowed you to go through it so that you can help someone else. If Steve Jobs never got fired he would not have opened Apple, if I............................... kindly finish the sentence for there is something that came out of your ordeal.