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In recent past there are ladies, let me call them girls for reasons well known to me, who have christened themselves as servants of God who are out to save the world. From their long dresses and strict personalities based on Christianity they have curved niche for themselves. Most of them are born again which means they have done all wrong that have ever existed. From using drugs and to sleeping around with any man.
I am not a judge and neither will I be, but the reality will haunt them forever. They will talk of eternity when in real sense they are not. Meet them in colleges or campus and you will note them easily. From being branded as 'tough', Godly woman to a true minister of God.
Unknown to many, they hide in the so called religion to cover their wrongs. Some are commercial sex workers at the night but in broad daylight they are saints. They will curse and keep off what they deem as unsaved and unreligious. They think that being pretentious and seeking attention is the best way to go. It is not lost on me that Christianity is more of inward than outward, so why irritate people and irk them of how best your religion is.
What we have seen as a custom in politics is in religion. As if it is the business and power play they always seek to win no matter what. How many stories have been aired on media houses of Christian faithfuls fighting for power?
From stage-managed miracles to bribing faithfuls everyone is in it. I don’t deny that in bible there are miracles, genuine ones. However with expository stories of pastor Kanyari no one will ever trust such religions.
While cases of religious extremism is on the rise many saved individuals have gone to the extremes. People burning their degree certificates simply because they have been told that the world is coming to an end. It is shocking that we trust our men and women of God than God himself. Many faithfuls because of lack of wisdom and knowledge are victims. We remain religious puppets just as errant boys looking after the cattle. Who do we trust with modern religion?
Some faithfuls will in the name of being saved hide in church in times of storm and as it calms down they take off only to resurface again whenever the storm strikes again.