Build a forensic medical lab now

When the late Hon Senator Mutula Kilonzo was found dead in his farm, parts of his body tissues were flown abroad for examination.

Up to now the results have never been made public.

Recently, when Tom Cholmondeley died, his family also sent parts of his body tissues abroad for further analysis.

The latest casualty is a Standard journalist Joseph Masha from Kilifi, who died mysteriously and perhaps parts of his body sample will be flown abroad for further analysis.

These few cases show the need for the country to have a forensic medical laboratory because as it is now, it is the preserve of the rich.

It is a pity for the country that some 53 years after independence, lacks such a critical facility.

The Government should thus prioritize setting up of the lab to ease the suffering of families as Kenyans when their relatives die mysteriously they would like to be told early the causes of death so that action is immediately taken.