politicians please spare the mourners!

It’s no longer a surprise that politicians will use every opportunity they get to get attention. Burial ceremonies are not even spared in their endless escapades to gain popularity or to popularize their political agendas which to a great extent are usually about themselves and how if given a chance they would change this and that. Funny enough the same people claiming to be the bearers of change have been in the same government institutions for a long time and have done almost nothing to bring about the so called change they speak about: but anyway that is a story for another day.

The brawl between President Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila Odinga at the burial of the late William ole Ntimama is just but an example of how politicians shamelessly indulge in politics oblivious of the emotional state which the family and friends of the deceased are in. Most are urged to stay off politics when they are given an opportunity to address the mourners but choose to speak politics just because they are assured of an audience.

Frankly I have no idea how this menace can be controlled but please our honorable politicians honor the dead and do as you had been called to do, pay your last respects. Thank you