
How to get rid of bedbugs

Bedbugs have become a menace in many homes and institutions. From the slums, to the leafy suburbs, to learning institutions, they are no longer a preserve of the poor. The little bloodsucking pests attack guerrilla-style: they only strike at night and run to hide in their “bunkers” by daylight.

They are annoying at night and embarrassing by day. A bedbug is the last thing you want seen crawling on your collar at the workplace or at home when the chama girls come visiting.

The best strategy against these nasty critters is prevention. Bedbugs are one of the most difficult pests to eradicate quickly. However, if you find them in your home, here are a few Do-It-Yourself tricks to help reduce their numbers:

Make heat your friend

Heat is one of the best ways of dealing with these small terrorists. Wash all bedding and any other infested garment in hot soapy water and dry them under the sun. If you have a washing machine, the better; make good use of the hot water button.

You can also heat the bed linens in a clothes dryer for a few minutes, minding their care instructions. Bedbugs love to hide, go after them in their hideouts and sprinkle hot water.

Clean the infested room

Thoroughly clean the infested room(s). Use a stiff brush to scrub all infested surfaces, giving attention to cracks and crevices where the bedbugs could be hiding. This also helps in dislodging the eggs and cleaning marks left by the bugs. A vacuum cleaner, if available, would come in handy. Run the vacuum literally everywhere - across the mattress and even under the bed.

Spray them

After cleaning, you can now use a spray, in this case, a pesticide spray for bedbugs. Give special attention to areas where the bedbugs hide. You can use a simple hand-held sprayer from the market or improvise one.

Avoid contact with the pesticide and remember to read and follow all instructions and label directions carefully. Dispose cans well and keep unused pesticides away from children’s reach.