Raila warns of demonstrations over MP's suspension

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Ugunja MP Opiyo Wandayi

If Ugunja MP Opiyo Wandayi is not allowed back in Parliament by tomorrow, CORD will stage demonstrations.

Mr Wandayi was suspended for 11 months on March 16 after he was accused of disrupting President Uhuru Kenyatta's speech. He was among CORD MPs who led a whistle protest when President Kenyatta stood to address the nation, disobeying Speaker Justin Muturi's orders to leave the House.

This forced the speaker to invoke the standing order 111, which states that if a member refuses to withdraw when required to do so, he should be forcibly kicked out.

Wandayi went to court and acquired an injunction lifting the ban imposed on him until his application is determined. However, Muturi ignored this court order.

Yesterday, Opposition chief Raila Odinga accused the Legislature of undermining the doctrine of separation of powers.

"The law is clear that the three arms of Government are supposed to act as a check mark against each other where there is arbitrary misuse of power. He (Wandayi) will go back to Parliament whether they like it or not," Mr Raila said.

"I have been to Parliament for 20 years and have never seen such a behaviour as exhibited by Muturi and that's why on Tuesday, if Wandayi is rejected and then Wednesday will resort to the naked application of diplomacy," he added.