Footnotes to Ababu Namwamba that will help him defeat Raila

Although the letter is to Raila odinga, there are footnotes for Ababu Namwamba on how to defeat Raila.

According to Sun Tzu, "a public can tell a behavior of the whole army from from a behavior of a single soldier, if there is disturbance in the camp, it's because the authority of the general is weak. If the soldiers are too strong and the general is weak, results is insurbodination. In your case the soldiers are too strong and you are weak.

This are the footnotes Ababu Namwamba is reading from Winston Churchill and Calvin clowits. Mr Namwamba, so you are enemies?. It means you stood up for something, but when you go to war Mr. Namwamba remember that, all war presupposes weakness and seek to exploit it. Your general is weak, very weak, exploit him.

Mutahi ngunyi said, " Raila in crisis is like in a fishing water, but you must do recall that fish is the only animal that rottes from the head. So for Raila to survive this particular process and avoid the rotting in the weakness of the general that he has become, he has to precipitate the crisis. This crisis is not big for him in my view. What he is likely to do is take us back either to the street or a crisis bigger than the street that we experienced. You do recall that when the streets were on and when business were closed and the government had been held at standstill and so the country as well, at that particular moment the party was united. ODM was intact CORD was one. But once you remove IEBC in the picture then the rebellion within CORD and ODM began to surface. So naturally what will happen is that to be able to get back the unity of the party, a crisis has to be precipitated. We don't know what this crisis will look like but we can expect one thing, it can come in what ever form."

"Victorious generals win first then go to war. Defeated generals on the other hand, go to war first then seek victory. In war you cannot recite poetry to a man holding a sword" Sun Tzu. Mr. Odinga there is no doubt that you are a good general, but as the Napoleon would ask, "are you lucky?"

Mr. Namwamba is reading and he will use it to defeat you, according to Napoleon, never Interrupt your enemy when he is making a blunder. Raila will blunder do not interrupt him.

The prophet mutahi would say, " you must remember that Ababu Namwamba was a student of Raila and did his internship under Rutto. So in his political DNA he combines two extremely smart players. He has Raila on one hand, and Rutto on the other hand. So if you were to use that as the theoretical position we must then admit the following; that what Ababu


Namwamba is doing in ODM is not Luhya rebellion for the Luhyas because that can be done by anybody else, what Namwamba is doing is hostile takeover which is specifically targeted at inheriting Raila odinga completely. He wants to replay exactly what William Rutto did with Arap moi. Rutto got into moi stronghold and took over the leadership of Kalenjins. Ababu Namwamba wants to take the leadership not only of the Luhyas but the entire group being led by Raila odinga. If that is the case then Raila is in trouble and he is likely to make one blander after another.

The reason for this troubles being Raila is looking at this Ababu Namwamba and he pictures himself as Goliath "this mammoth following" and he is looking at Ababu Namwamba as David. But what he doesn't realize is that David was a sniper and snipers rarely miss the target and that being the reason he carried only 5 stones to dispense off the big giant called Goliath. Instead of using the 5 stones he used only one and he was precise in the way that he hit him. So if that was the case, I think that Raila needs to go back to the drawing board and rethink the strategy on how to deal with this particular rebellion."


What Ababu Namwamba has brought at your doorstep is war and in war according to Churchill, " you must never be deluded that it can be smooth, once the signal is given you are no longer the master but a Slave of unseen events."


This is the third footnote that Mr. Namwamba will be reading, tips from sun Tzu, " to know your enemy, be your enemy. If your enemy is superior in strength then evade him, if he is temperamental then irritate him, pretend to be weak so that he grows arrogant. Attack when he is unprepared, appear when you are not expected."

Best strategy for Ababu Namwamba in my thinking is the mirror imagining strategy. That is, if he assumes he become a general he should act as a general for that matter. He should get into the mind of Raila and ask himself; "what would Raila do in a situation where you have a scenario as the one I have created?." For the best example he doesn't need to go very far, he just needs to go in March 2002.


Raila abandons his party called NDP and he joins KANU and once he is swallowed by KANU he causes constipation in KANU. Then exactly after 200 days he collapses KANU. A party that had been in power for a very long time. Now what Ababu could do is he was to mirror image Raila by doing what exactly Raila would do it then would be to stay inside ODM and say' " am not going anywhere, I have resigned as the Secretary General yes, but I'll stay in ODM." If he stays in the party and refuses to go, he can cause constipation in the party and do what exactly Raila did to Arap moi by mirror imaging him. Rebellion would grow within ODM and that will cause a total stalemate on the part of Raila.


This letter ends with an encouragement from the bible. It's from apostle Paul to the Corinthians. It is also called the "theory of desirable difficulties" by Malcolm gadwall. " I was given a throne in my flesh, a messenger of Satan tormented me three times I pleaded with the lord to take it away from me, but he said to me, "my grace is sufficient to you. For my power is made perfect in weakness." therefore I would boast all the more gladly about my weakness so that Christ power may rest in me. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weakness, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I'm weak then I am strong.

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