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CORDs political boat is being shaken by a violent storm as nine leaders raised weighty issues about the state of the party. These leaders claimed that they were being sidelined when major decisions were made in the party. They also blamed ODM top leaders for lacking visionary leadership. This is a clear division in a party that was once strong and firm.
The national Vice Chairman Paul Otwoma on Saturday also said he would resign because he was not interested in a position of being a mere vice chairman, claiming his grievances were being ignored by the party's leadership. Ababu Namwamba, the party's Secretary General, also said he was ready to step down from his position since without powers in his title he could not serve the party well.
The dissatisfaction raised by these top leaders of ODM party is a threat for its stability because if they actually exit, the party will be left in turmoil. With elections around the corner, this is a risk that could reduce the party to a shell incapable of posing any reasonable political threat at the national stage by 2017. Liberal supporters of the party have been christened moles and rebels and are now threatening to leave the party. There is disorganization and lack of focus within ODM and if this continues, the party will lose balance and hence lose its followers.
This shows that CORDs doomsday is already knocking on its weak door. The party leaders need to hold a meeting so as to agree on what they think is bringing the division. CORD's principal leader Raila Odinga needs to look into his political judgments as that may be the cause of his bleak political future. His leadership and direction is needed by the party now more than ever. ODM is a giant international party and Raila Odinga should not let it be eroded by some selfish political imposters. Raila Odinga should not ignore or dismiss the current political noises from the Luhya-land politicians as this will surely bring the party to a dead end.
The party has in various times failed to conduct free, fair and transparent nominations. It is time for ODM's party leaders to restore order in the party if they are to increase its lifespan. A united CORD or ODM is good for the country. It has allowed the country to concentrate on checking the regime in power. Because of the unity of purpose, CORD has been able to sniff flagrant abuses meted out to the Kenyan people. Thus the leaders need to keep the party on check and in control.
For the leaders in CORD who are not satisfied because of one reason or another, they should make sure their grievances are sincere. Some of the leaders have a thirst for quick power and success which they have doubts will be achievable while in CORD. Someone once said “the longer the mission, the blurrier the vision”. To them anything that does not satisfy immediate quest for power is irrelevant. I thus urge all CORD leaders to put their interest and that of the people ahead of their selfish personal interest if they want the party to grow. The sun is setting for the party and it is up to them to choose if they want a bright day or a doomsday.