
Kenyans still have confidence in media

Kenyans are undergoing a period full of challenges and misunderstandings.

Despite the fact that Kenyans have lost confidence and faith in the Executive, Judiciary and Legislature, we still have hope in the media industry to salvage this country.

The Press should remain credible, responsible, objective and informative.

By observing the journalistic code of conduct and ethics, journalists should not allow anybody to compromise them in any way whatsoever.

The prosperity, marketing, freedom and democracy of any country depends on the media.

If the media performs its role with due diligence without discrimination or favour of any person, Kenyan can achieve much.

I look forward to a day when people will realise the importance of the Press and celebrate journalists as heroes in this country.

The Press should ensure that the citizens are informed by doing in-depth research on issues.

Members of the Press should stand firm, be steadfast and not allow themselves be compromised because the country still has hope in them.