
Let universities hire professional people like IEBC and security personnel to conduct credible elections

There has been sporadic occurrence of violence in universities either before student’s elections or after the elections. This has resulted in burning of buildings like in Maseno University and Machakos University or loss of properties and injuries. The culture of throwing stones and overturning cars is long goneby.

Being a student in a university, I encountered a culture shock. Students were moving and making friends along tribal lines, unlike in secondary schools. So during elections they elect fellow students along tribal lines. So if in Kenya we practice tribalism, it eminent from higher institutions. So during elections, if their preferred candidates are not elected they vent their anger by torching buildings and innocent people especially motorists.

Let universities hire professional people like IEBC and security personnel to conduct credible elections in universities under tight security in places like stadiums. Buildings will be safe and also properties. Maybe universities have interest on those to be elected? Isn’t that conflict of interest? Those in the universities should know that the facilities they use will be needed by future generation and it is prudent for them to be mature and stop this violence.

It does not put food in their table. Let university students stop the culture of impunity because they are our future leaders. We are destroying our future. To quote Nelson Mandela who said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which someone can use to change the world. Let them change the world using their education not through violence”. The students must be the change we want to see in the world. Kenyan students should focus on things that matter.