Supreme Court wars threat to progress

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I've been carefully monitoring the ugly dramas and circuses at the Supreme Court of Kenya for quite some time now. One can conclude that the highest court in the land is no more.

This is simply painful and it is a national embarrassment to all patriotic Kenyans.

I am convinced that there's much more to the retirement age legal battles than meets the eye. That, coupled with the retirement of Chief Justice Willy Mutunga, has triggered a monumental storm.

It is more obvious that the powers that be and cartels want to control the appointment of the next Chief Justice and the entire Judiciary.

What we patriotic Kenyans should be really worried about is that there's a strange trend developing whereby, all constitutional offices are being torn apart by political 'war lords' who want to remotely control constitutional offices.

All patriotic Kenyans should stand up and be counted. If we bury our heads in the sand, the future of our motherland will be bleak and doomed for good.