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I am absolutely flabbergasted that all the judges and legal brains in this country have not been able since 2013 to determine whether judges should retire at the age of 70 or 74.
No wonder the entire judicial system has now been put to shame, ridicule and is on the verge of judicial collapse thanks to the very judges and other legal brains.
I have many a time read Article 167 of the Constitution that states judges shall retire from office on attaining the age of 70 but may opt to retire at any time after attaining the age of 65.
My opinion is that the Constitution should have been amended to reinstate the previous 74 years retirement age for judges because 70 is the beginning of full maturity.
Seventy-plus is the prime age when judges shall have fully mastered the Constitution. It is the time they make quotable precedent-setting rulings.
Let judges serve to attain the ages of emeritus of jurisprudence of their calling.