
Why refugee camps should not be shut

The Government’s announcement that it will close the Dadaab refugee camp has stirred serious debate.

While it is the Government’s right to shut down the camp, it should consult widely before effecting the decision. Since 1990 when Somalia plunged into civil war, Dadaab camp has been the refugees’ “safe home”.

Their condition reminds me of the life we encountered as “internally displaced persons” during the 2008 post-election violence. It was a painful and heartbreaking experience. Thus we must ask our Government to reconsider the decision to repatriate the refugees.

Citing crime in Dadaab camp to justify repatriation of refugees is not convincing enough. Are the refugees responsible for crimes that are usually reported all over Kenya?

Rather than deploying our security officers to contain peaceful anti-IEBC demos, let us direct our energies in tackling rampant crimes countrywide.

If it is true that terror masterminds are traced to the camp, then let the government disclose how many terrorists they have captured at the said camp.

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Refugee camps