
What Kenyans can learn from Hillary Clinton

My prediction on the US getting its first woman president is on track unless a catastrophic event or chauvinist-driven revolutionary stops Mrs Hillary Clinton’s Democratic presidential nomination bid.

She has stated that she is ready to use the “woman card” if that is what it will take to secure the presidency. What we have failed to notice is the dynasty card!

Her motherly attributes are already engraved in the minds of voters. That is very important because it removes the mindset of voters, who in normal circumstances would have a problem with a woman presidential candidate.

The nature of Kenya’s political arena is such that only the abrasive type of women can survive its mudslinging and sometime violent competition. Fortunately for Mrs Clinton, she has a credible CV and a motherly figure to boot with a former president on her side!

Borrowing from the Hillary Clinton narrative, the surest way to have a Kenyan woman president is for major political players to deliberately team up to achieve this goal. Call it wind-assisted but the end in this case justifies the means.