Is Uhuru being hypocritical concerning IEBC’s fate?

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Since taking power in 2013 the president and his tyranny of numbers government has not been implementing the constitution.

We have read all about it in the newspapers and watched on TV stations. He has dismissed court rulings and acted as a supreme leader whose words are law, but suddenly on matters IEBC he has no power?

He hasn’t been vigilant especially when it came to matters of corruption and tribalism but has been a staunch fighter against everything the constitution has to offer.

Below are just a few examples where the president’s hypocrisy comes to light

  1. Making of appointments (changes were made to the Judicial Service Commission Act to allow the President a bigger say in the appointment of the Chief Justice).
  2. Deliberate starvation of funds for devolution.
  3. Following rules when borrowing loans from international markets.
  4. Profiling of Kenyans.
  5. Creation of the devolution ministry whose sole purpose might have been to undermine the county governments.
  6. Amendments to various security laws at the beginning of 2015 signaled the Executive’s resolve to negate some of the most important provisions under the Bill of Rights.
  7. Sustained attacks on the independence of the National Police Service and the weakening of the National Police Service Commission have granted the President more powers over these institutions.
  8. Unconstitutional executive influence over the office of the Auditor General.
  9. Unconstitutional executive influence over the National Land Commission.
  10. Unconstitutional executive influence over the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission.


He has fought against the constitution vehemently, but suddenly now he realizes the constitution has limited his power. Only when IEBC is mentioned, is he now powerless!

Any person with integrity and self-respect would have disbanded this corrupt commission the very moment their counterparts were jailed in UK.

When there's bribing involved there's a willing giver and a willing receiver and both are guilty. That should be more than enough to disband this commission.

But I guess we must be living in the digital 'error' of jubilee where the president lambasts courts and judges for not prosecuting corrupt individuals while he allegedly shields those accused of other scandals.

School laptops turned out to be tablets. There were promises to build a Dubai like city in North Eastern yet they can’t afford proper security, water and health.

Billions have vanished in the Eurobond scandal. There has been little or no development.

Multi-million dollar toilet projects and Sh7 billion agricultural projects have bore nothing.

If this is the "digital age" they promised us in 2013 then we surely should go back to the analogue age where things made more sense!