
Free Chepkorir from hospital

After exhausting her insurance money, salary, savings and selling two cows, she had not expected another more 30 days in the ICU.

The stay in the ICU cost Sh2.7 Million and a torturing time at the General Ward awaiting to be released when the bill is paid.

She is worried about her position as a teacher and how the children are doing without her. She feels helpless in this situation.

Chepkorir Natasha is a school teacher and a mother of two children; one in class four and the other scored a B of 66 points in last year’s KCSE exams.

She had a normal headache when head teachers discovered she was not her normal herself.  She became overwhelmed and was rushed by the teachers to Mediheal Hospital in Eldoret.

She was treated for high blood pressure for two weeks exhausting her salary, AON insurance and selling two cows.

She was released and before she could finish her medicine she got worse with symptoms of confusion and headaches.

She was rushed back to Mediheal hospital where she was taken to a makeshift ICU to be taken to the actual ICU the next morning.

She was in the ICU for one month. During this time her son stayed by her side refusing to leave despite not being allowed in.

He was always at the door rushing to see if she was still ok. She could not breathe or speak.

One time, a dead body was moved from the ICU and he ran out of the hospital crying thinking it was her.

One day, her son heard on Sayari an evangelist praying for the sick. He called in and the evangelist prayed for him and told him his mother won’t die.

Three days later, she started breathing and talking a bit. Thereafter, she was released to the ward where she was later discharged to the General ward awaiting clearing of the bill till now.

Her students and her children miss her. We thank God for healing her. Now God wants to bless those who are generous by contributing.

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Natasha Chepkorir