
VC okays ‘Team Mafisi Sacco’ in uni

Students of Rongo University have formed Team Mafisi Sacco to help tackle social issues affecting comrades in campus.

It is interesting how the Team Mafisi tag, which has been used to refer to hot-blooded men, has translated into good tidings for the students.

For the learners at the constituent college of Moi University, the notorious tag of mafisi, was meant to attract masses into their activities.

“The name is sensational and attracts the attention of every student,” said Jay Juma, the Sacco’s chairman.

Mafisi Sacco is now an active group which is operating under the Rongo University College Students Union (RUCSU) and the office of Dean of Students.

The group, which was formed over a year ago, has peer counsellors whose roles include offering emotional support to colleagues who have issues with their love life. The group has two representatives to the Students Council.

According to Juma, the group distributes condoms to students — both male and female - to ensure they engage in safe sex.

“Our team members carry condoms and issue them to students in residential halls,” said the chairman, adding that they ensure the condom dispensers are always fully-stocked.

The college’s principal, Prof Samuel Gudu, praised the group for their initiative, adding that they can be instrumental in helping the youth deal with problems like drug abuse and sexual immorality.

“It is encouraging that students can come up with their own initiatives to solve their problems. It really makes us feel that we have responsible and dependable youth who will lead the country in future,” Prof Gudu said.

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Rongo University