
MCAs immature to hold conference countering devolution meeting

Congratulations are in order for the Senators and MPs who attended the third devolution conference. This was a sign of maturity to set aside their differences and show solidarity with governors, share experiences and hold healthy debate. This is the way to go to build a new Kenya where political players can help address challenges facing our 47 counties.

The conference should be where the rubber meets the road to iron out any perceived differences and take devolution to the next level.

It is immature for legislators and assembly members to boast how they turned down invitations to the conference. For MCAs to hold a conference just for the sake of “countering the devolution meeting” sounds pedestrian. Are they not part of devolution structures? Shouldn‘t the various levels of government and political leadership be competing to serve Kenyans and not engage in daylight brawls on who is stronger?

History will judge harshly those legislators who have chosen to sit on the sidelines arms akimbo waiting for devolution to fail.

It is possible for the various arms of government to create strong partnerships for the betterment of ‘mwananchi’ and stop wasting energy on endless criticism. Those who want to take over governorship should wait until August 2017.

Kenyans are now wiser not to vote in rejects or those who treat counties as dumping ground for failed leaders.

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MCA devolution