Three Kenyans accused of killing taxi driver freed

Three of the five youngsters accused of killing a taxi operator have been released due to lack of evidence.

The three – a Form Four student in Nakuru and two brothers – were yesterday granted freedom after spending 10 days in police custody.

The police had requested for 10 days for investigations.

At the same time, police requested for more time to detain Bashir Ibrahim.

The office of Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) described Ibrahim as key suspect who will assist in investigations.

The DPP told the court that if Ibrahim and another suspect are released, it would  impede chances of arresting a third suspect who the police are still pursuing.

Narok Chief Magistrate Wilbroda Juma granted the police their wish to detain the duo for five more days.

They will appear in court on April 4, 2016.

The defence lawyer agreed with the court's decision on condition that his clients would not be detained beyond the five days.

The suspects were arrested at Mwariki in Nakuru along the Nakuru-Nairobi highway last Tuesday night while in a vehicle reportedly stolen from a taxi driver in Narok. The body of the taxi driver was found in the boot.