Lend a hand to the less fortunate this Easter

This Easter, Kenyans should emulate Mother Teresa of Calcutta, who will soon be a saint in helping the poor in the society.

Our society has a good number of people who need help. This help can be in terms of medical, shelter, food and even clothing. Apart from material things, there are Kenyans out there who need an ear to listen to and a shoulder to lean on. As Kenyans we should follow Jesus and his teachings that whoever helps others, more will be given to them.

Therefore Kenyans should set medical camps in their areas and take care of the sick.  They should also feed the hungry and visit those in hospitals and orphanages. These orphanages have children who want a play mate. Kenyans should meet their needs by having a play day for them.

During Easter, selfishness should be avoided. Kenyans should put their money into good use. Help a needy brother and sister.  Let us all open doors for the less fortunate in the society. Happy Easter to all Kenyans.

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Easter needy