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Africa is mostly characterised by poverty. In the past, some countries have tried to change the status but more needs to be done.
The vicious poverty in Africa is as a result of poor leadership. This developing continent has always had greedy and selfish political leaders and capitalists.
Most African leaders want to make money without any communal interest in mind; yet the reason they are in a position of influence is to serve the masses.
For this reason, the marginal line between the rich and poor keeps widening. If more than 46 African independent states cannot feed war-ravaged Somalia or even help stop the war in Burundi, then questions arise.
Back home for instance, communities like Turkana and Samburu have locals dying of hunger. In Baringo, some schools have their pupils learning under a tree due to lack of basic teaching amenities.
The unfortunate thing is that in the same vicinity exists a couple of rich business men (capitalists) who can fix the situation even without government intervention.
But they will not, because they are too focused on themselves. Pride and greed that kill society is hidden deep in the hearts of the privileged few. And as Africans embrace this self-centred mind frame, will there be progress? Absolutely no.
It is only in Africa where we hear stories of heads of State who serve and even die in office with a lot of money in foreign banks; yet the same leaders continue clinging to power, all for the wrong reasons.
Most governments in Africa ascend to power to find deficit and huge amounts of debts from foreign countries.
Meanwhile, because of political ambitions and corruption, ruling governments loot public funds, readying for the next campaign.
Our leaders are like medieval fiefdoms, looting their faltering economies and through shocking mismanagement creating hardship for people who do not get the opportunity to vote them out. And yet these huge debts are expected to be paid by the hapless citizen. Interestingly, politicians during election time come up with the same set of promises camouflaged as different and new, because they also lack vision, mission and goals to deliver.
Instead of building roads, hospitals and residential estates, they spend wananchi money on aircraft, luxurious cars and foreign trips.
They bribe the voter to get favours, yet they offer no development in regions where they have been elected.
By recycling leaders within a few persons in the family or political world, we will continue to dance to the tune of greedy politicians.
As long as we continue to bestow legitimacy on destructive dictators who have been at the centre of Africa’s ruin, and then bail them out when their countries collapse, then the downward cycle will continue.
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It is important to note that Africa is a rich continent, and there is no reason why Africans should rely on foreign aid. It is time for bad leaders to be kicked out of government.
The people must understand that, partisan or political affiliation is destroying the progress of Africa.
We must vote for people with a clean conscience and when they fail we must direct them to where they came from.