
Tobiko directs ex-NYS boss Githinji be charged with abuse of office

Director of Public Prosecutions Keriako Tobiko

Director of Public Prosecutions Keriako Tobiko has ordered the prosecution of former National Youth Service Director General Nelson Githinji with abuse of office for servicing and maintaining his private vehicle using taxpayers' money.

The DPP agreed with the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission recommendations that Githinji with his former Personal Assistant Nicholas Makokha and a senior mechanic at the NYS, Geoffrey Kiriha, charged with facilitating the fraud.

“Having given full consideration to the evidence in the file, the DPP is satisfied that there is sufficient evidence to support the recommended charges against all suspects,” said Tobiko.

EACC recommended the suspects be charged with abuse of office, conspiracy to defraud and fraudulent acquisition of public property.

According to the report, the servicing and maintenance of vehicle cost the taxpayer Sh497, 335 paid by the NYS.

Githinji who stepped aside from his post at the NYS in November 2015 is already answering to charges of attempting to cover up fraud at the institution.

Githinji, together with former Planning Principal Secretary Peter Mangiti and businessman Ben Gethi, are accused of attempting to induce Adan Harakhe, the Senior Deputy Director General in Charge of Administration at the NYS, not to follow up with the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) on a conspiracy to steal Sh695 million from the institution.

Githinji has denied the charges leveled against him and challenged them on grounds that they are invalid.

Githinji and Mangiti have been charged alongside 23 other NYS employees who together with Gethi have been identified as those who not only conspired to defraud the institution of Sh695 million but stole Sh791 million.

Thursday, the DPP also ordered that top Turkana County officials be charged with various charges over awarding of a contract for rehabilitation of Lodwar-Napeikar-Moruese road at Sh11 million whereas Kenya Rural Roads Authority had done similar works on the same road for Sh1.1 million.