
Is El Nino turning out to be a hoax?

It is saddening that the much hyped El Nino rain that was forecast by the Kenya Meteorological Services could be turning out to be a hoax.

The forecasters, first of all, warned Kenyans to expect heavy downpour early this month. People residing along river banks, swampy areas, landslide-prone areas among others were admonished to relocate to safer areas.

Both the national and county governments were advised to set apart contingency funds to cater for El Nino effects.

Astonishingly, only a few regions of this country have received seasonal rains. This month is about to end yet no county has received El Nino rains. Some counties have not received even a drop of rainfall.

In a nutshell, I can conclude that the met department’s forecast was not only faulty but unreliable. Worse, previous predictions have also proved to be a hoax.

Someone should be held accountable for spreading rumours and falsehoods about the El Nino rains.