Raila's role in Kenyan politics unrivalled

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Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga is, without doubt, the fulcrum of Kenyan politics.

The role Raila has played in shaping, directing, influencing and dictating Kenyan politics for years is unrivalled by any politician in Kenya today.

One fundamental political role Raila played that completely altered Kenyan politics for good is the unprecedented defeat of Kanu in the 2002 General Election.

As a result of his political career, Raila is both loved and hated in equal measure.

Raila’s politics is not only concentrated in the country. He has had influence in Uganda, Tanzania and Nigeria where he campaigned for Olusegun Obasanjo.

In a nutshell, whether we like it or not, Kenyan politics will never ever be the same again if Raila were to retire from active politics. To some ardent and fanatical supporters of Tinga, that will mark the end of politics and thus might not even consider participating in future elections.