
The ICC process is exactly what we need in Kenya

The thing about MPs from Central region grovelling all over Deputy President William Ruto’s ICC case raises more questions than answers.

The MPs are also raising ruckus alleging that they know those who “fixed” the DP.

What I find curious about this whole comedy is that none of the politicians care about the victims of Post-Election Violence.

They do not discuss how rape victims will be healed from trauma; how those who stole bicycles and cows of the displaced would return them; how those who killed and maimed should be prosecuted.

Wonder of wonders is that the politicians appear to have closed ranks and nowadays seem to suggest that nobody died in the 2007/2008 chaos.

From what they have been shouting, people from Mars could have killed the over 1,300 people and displaced over 600,000. Just how this could have happened without anybody knowing, except the politicians, is mind blowing.

The fact that nobody has been jailed within our borders for the death of thousands is proof enough that the ICC process is exactly what we need.

This country is a case study of what can happen when breakdown of the rule of law is sustained for a long time. The office of public prosecutor sees nothing wrong in all this.