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It is always interesting to look back at life and watch how it has panned out over time.
Many of us find ourselves puzzled, asking questions, wondering how we got ourselves where we are.
I have always held that fate and destiny are great influencers of life: how it turns out and what it dishes out.
But like philosophers may want to argue, is this not leaving too much to chance? Is this not leaving too much in the hands of the gods?
One thing that scientists and spiritualists agree on is that life is largely about choices.
This is so true that in 2013, one diplomat drummed it into the voters’ ears when he said that choices do have consequences.
Life is indeed about choosing, and this choosing always has an outcome, visible or not.
My choosing to wear, say, a yellow garment may cheer me up, and those who see me in it often may view me as a fun-loving person and want to assign me fun-related roles in future.
Your choice of that rich and “happy food” may see you developing complications later in life.
Your choice to study medicine will mean that at one point, your patients will dictate your free time because you will be on call at odd hours of the day and night.
Looking at these commonplace examples, it would make sense to always put thought into what we do, how we do it and when we do it.
Taking a pause to think about the repercussions that will surely always follow, before you do something, no matter how mundane.
Of course, if you do not care about the outcome then it is okay to care less about your choices.
The pause — that moment between thought and action (that temporary stop in action or speech) — has saved, and continues to save, many from unnecessary ills.
It has spared many of heartaches and even bloodshed.
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It is because of the pause that nations enjoy peace and cordial relations with their neighbours.
Musicians use the pause to take that precious break and drag in much needed air.
Writers use it to flower their writing, to give themselves and the reader a necessary breather.
The pause refreshes and makes you analyse things, giving you insight and a better, wiser perspective.
That pause between engaging the brakes and accelerating is what has saved lives on our busy roads.
Life demands that you take a moment, pause, and then choose to go on or stop. Otherwise you risk suffering from consequences.
Go on, take that pause — pregnant, short, long, filled or otherwise — it will determine your destiny.