Raila to DP Ruto: Your statements on corruption anger Kenyans

Cord leader, Raila Odinga    PHOTO   BY STANDARD

Kenya: Cord leader Raila Odinga has told the deputy president to stop giving statements on corruption adding that they only serve to disillusion, disgust , anger and disappoint the people of Kenya.

Responding to the Deputy President, William Ruto comments that questioned his legitimacy in speaking out for corruption in Kenya; the opposition leader said that the Jubilee government has overseen the most precipitous decline in Kenya’s reputation where corruption is concerned among its own people and the international community as well.

The former Prime Minister agrees with Archbishop Wabukala of the Anglican Church who announced last week that corruption has become a national disaster.

Refering to the recent corruption perception index,Odinga says Kenya has overtaken countries long associated with the vice in Africa. Worse still, the ever-increasing number and scale of scandals indicate a level of impunity that is unprecedented in Kenya’s history.

“Corruption poses a risk to Kenya’s very stability as a State and threatens our peace as it destroys our institutions of governance,” remarked Odinga.

Raila says that other than platitudes and hollow promises, the Jubilee administration has failed catastrophically in dealing with corruption adding that virtually every dawn begins with a new revelation of a new scandal conceived and executed by Jubileethen predictable warnings follow.

He stresses that what has changed in the two years of the Jubilee administration is that Kenyans at large recognise the alarming reality and no longer believe the President and  his deputy.

“ I shall continue to speak out, warn, empathise with citizens and play my rightful role as leader of the opposition in Kenya, ”affirms Odinga.