
KenGen challenged to light up Naivasha

Nakuru Governor Kinuthia Mbugua has appealed to KenGen to light up the streets of Naivasha town.

Speaking at the Olkaria Geothermal power site during the commissioning of the 140Megawatt plant by Rwanda President Paul Kagame and his host President Uhuru Kenyatta, the governor also challenged the management of the electricity generating firm to connect the remote areas with power.

“As part of their corporate social responsibility, KenGen should light up the streets of the town to open it up for business,” he said.

Mbugua noted that Naivasha town has developed tremendously and is now a preferred holiday destination.

“Naivasha is growing fast and we should look into ways of making it more attractive for tourists and investors,” he said.

President Kenyatta directed Roads Cabinet Secretary Joseph Kamau, to provide funds for the construction of a road to link Moi north and south lake roads.

“I want Eng Kamau to urgently commence work on the road,” said the Head of State.

The Olkaria 1 Geothermal plant added an extra 140MW to the power grid.

With the additional power, Kenya increased its chances to host the global geothermal summit in 2020.

Kenya has presented its bid to host the international conference, and is competing with United States and Japan among others.

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KenGen electricity