Meru looks to tourism to grow economy

Meru Governor Peter Munya, says his county is targeting other income-generating ventures after the UK, the major miraa market, banned the plant. He says Meru could rival Masai Mara in tourism and there are plans to make the county a major sports hub with the renovation of Kinoru Stadium to international standards underway.

“The Meru National Park, which boasts elephants, all the wild cats and flora and fauna was in the 1970s more visited than the Mara,” he said, adding the popular entry point to Mt Kenya, Sirimon Gate, is in the county. The world famous Lewa, is also in the area, but it remains exclusive to a few high-end visitors.

“The problem is not a lack of brands, but poor marketing and a lack of bed capacity,” said the governor. “There are plans to change this, by improving the bed capacity in the Elsa’s Kopje and Leopard Rock Lodge, both inside the Meru National Park.” Elsa Kopje is a world-famous boutique lodge.

Meru town, last year, saw increased business after Kenya Premier League side Tusker FC chose Kinoru as its home ground. However, matches had to be interrupted to enable renovations, which will cost Sh200 million.

“The renovations, done to world standards, will be complete by June,” said Munya.

The county is, however, dogged by insecurity particularly cattle rustling near the border with Isiolo County. The boundary conflict has been raging for a long time.