
Only introverts understand these!

Introverts are a misunderstood lot in this world. They have constantly had to bear with the onslaught of being considered crazy, due to their aloofness and eccentricities. They are a unique lot,  with an ingrained tendency to blow hot and cold. I think it is suffice to say that they are bipolar by default!

There are those moments when our spirits are so high. You'll find us chatting animatedly, sharing jokes like we're the coolest  stand up comedians. Then, more occasionally than not, you'll get us alone, lost in our own contemplations. Some people find this offensive, and think introverts are rude and unfriendly.

You'll get this everywhere on the net when you search anything on introverts: We get physically drained, when we're around a lot of people for a long time, because we dislike superficial talks. We'd rather be alone playing deep mind games. We only feel recharged when we have some quality alone time, which is almost always all the time. We are less accessible, and rarely express our feelings. You know, those non-smiling, non-committal  or detective officers are probably introverts.
Interestingly, during those moments of our depressive blackouts, is when our muse strikes. We get these amazing unexploited ideas which we express through art and scientific innovations. Many great scientists and inventors all over the world were introverts. This is attributed to the fact that we clamor for perfection in everything we do

Something about our eccentricities, which borders on an obsessive compulsion disorder; we do many things our way, which honestly our conscious minds cannot even fathom. In my case for instance; I have to put everything, whether it's the stereo volume or the number of strokes when brushing my teeth.... on an even number. When am climbing the stairs, I do so consistently and always chew food on my left jaw.

Introverts are in no way social misfits. In fact we are very social, and have many issues we'd have liked to share, but most of the time other people are too preoccupied with cheap talks to notice our noble ideas.  We are not miserable in any way.We never want any attention, and we enjoy every minute of time spent talking to ourselves,  answering our questions and laughing at our own jokes!

When an introvert appears in this world, you'll know them by these signs!