
Mid-brain activation is good for children

A few years ago, while attending a training programme in Minneapolis, I heard a story about children who could read and even ride bicycles while blindfolded.

Despite being one who teaches about unlimited human potential, not to mention that I was in Minneapolis attending a programme that taught us super reading skills that enabled one to read up to 25,000 words per minute, I was still very skeptical about this new information.

However, I was curious on the impact such abilities would have on how children learn.

For one, it could cut down on the amount of time spent studying things that one never applies in life.

I was excited at the prospects of finding easier ways of helping children learn faster and bring out their potential.

The excitement could have been driven by the fact that I had struggled through studies while in school.

I found classes and studying boring as well as tiring for most of the time.

My curiosity led me to the amazing works of Glenn Domam, professor Shichida and many other experts on brain development.

These experts contended that by helping a child develop greater use of the right brain, you immensely increased the child’s learning abilities and made it easier for them to understand new information and have photographic memory among other almost unbelievable benefits.

This information was too exciting for me  to just read about on the net.

I hopped on a plane and travelled to several countries to witness for myself. 


To cut the long story short, I witnessed these amazing skills and brought them back home.

The methodology that brings out these abilities in children involves activating the mid-brain.

Some brain experts have said that the mid-brain is the gateway to genuineness and the unlimited potential of the human mind. The brain is divided into two, the left brain and the right brain.

Both brains have different capabilities and they work differently.

The right brain has amazing capabilities.

The right brain is said to learn 10 times faster than the left brain.

Mid-brain is the pathway between the left and right brain.

It is a bridge that is also a key to opening the subconscious.

In mid-brain activation, the communication between the right and left brain is made faster.


After the mid-brain is activated, the child not only gets an extraordinary memory, but also great potential to develop the right brain, thereby improving attention, critical thinking skills, intuition and creativity. The benefits after the mid-brain has been activated are several. First, it enhances the absorption capacity of the memory. It also expands ones creativity, planning and imagination. The child becomes more self confident and is able to focus.

The child easily gets into a remarkable state of learning as well as becomes more emotionally stable.

Once a child has activated his/ her mid-brain it will remain with him/ her for a lifetime.

Activation is a permanent realignment of the brain. It is an addition of neurons that just makes it function more efficiently.

The other day I thought about some of the things I learnt when I was young that remain firmly entrenched in my mind yet I do not exercise to refresh that memory.

What is the mid-brain activation adaptation age? There has been quite a bit of debate on the best age to get your child starting on a mid-brain activation programme.


Some schools of thought advocate starting from birth and making it a long term learning process.

Others prefer a short term engagement, with the child attending for two days and doing some home practice for a period of 30 days.

The proponents of the latter approach say the best age is between age five to 12 years.

From my experience, this second method and age grouping have produced astounding results.

If all of us were born with essentially similar brains, with more or less the same configuration and potential for mastery, then why is it that only a limited number of people seem to truly excel and realise their full potential?

My only regret for my generation is that we are only learning this in our adulthood whereas I can imagine how much better off we would have been had we had such opportunities as children.

The author is a life coach and founder of Peak Performance International — a human potential development firm.