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Nairobi; Kenya: Martin Timo: Even Jeremiah was rejected like you. If you serve God, do not stop delivering your prophecy, whether good or bad. This is the same crowd that rejected Jesus even after all the miracles he performed.
Magda Mwaniki Squad: Prophets are given messages to deliver; good and bad. Those who are talking ill of her should watch out. Remember what happened to those young men who laughed and criticised Prophet Elisha? Check out most of the prophesies made by prophet Nehemiah? They were both bad and good. If she is a true prophet, her prophesy will be fulfilled.
Nzioki Mativo: Prophetess of doom. We need prophets who will prophesy prosperity, good health, peace and happiness, not death and calamity. This is what God is promising Kenyans: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” - Jeremiah 11: 29.
Anne Njeri: We don’t disagree with your prophesy but I know we serve a God of second chances. She should kneel and pray for them instead of prophesying doom.
Paschal Wambua Nzove: I am a prominent person and I am not dying any time soon in Jesus name. Ishah Fauziah: But what is the big deal? Everyone is eventually going to die, anyway.
Francis Mathew: You should see the blessings that God has in store for His people and not coffins. You need to see Jesus who died and resurrected. That is not prophecy at all.
Thomas Guya: If you are a woman of God and you have seen a desperate spirit among us, why can’t you pray for the coffin to leave us free?
Bro Ben: The message has been delivered and the remaining part is up to God. He can either fulfill it or not.