MP launches 30-day ID campaign

Nyanza;Kenya: Ugenya MP David Ochieng yesterday launched a month-long campaign programme focused on getting residents to apply for national identification cards (IDs).

Ochieng urged those of mandatory age to register without fearing that the IDs may delay.

“We urge leaders to encourage residents to seek IDs since it is a fundamental right of every Kenyan over the age of 18 and helps one access important services,” he said.

Ochieng said it is unfortunate that there is still a huge number of people in Nyanza region who are still hesitant to apply for IDs, saying this has disadvantaged the region in many ways.

"We must always keep in mind, and constantly remind our people, that ID cards are not only used when voting. They come in handy when an individual is seeking employment or wants to travel among other services," he said

The MP made the remarks at his Ugenya constituency when he officially launched the campaign.